“True Grit” Row 2K After the first minute begin death by thrusters (95/65) 20 Min Timecap WOD Guidance: Ouch! Choose thruster weight that you can do 20 reps unbroken when fresh. This will sneak up on you fast is way harder than it appears. Scale accordingly to finish under cap.Read More
Skill: 20 minutes to work on Bar Muscle-up skills and drills. 10 Min AMREP 1 Bar Muscle-up 2 Box Jumps 24″/20″ 2 Bar Muscle ups 4 Box Jumps 3 Bar Muscle Ups 6 Box Jumps 4 Bar Muscle Ups 8 Box Jumps …. WOD Guidance: Continue with this rep scheme until 10 minutes is up....Read More
Strength/Skill: 20 Min to establish 1 RM weighted pull-up. 10 Min AMRAP 15 KB Swings 53/35 200m Run *increase 3 KB Swings per round Score is total KB Swings WOD Guidance: Choose KB weight that you can perform 15 reps unbroken as it going to get nasty real quick.Read More
Strength/Technique: 6 Min EMOM of 2 Snatch High pulls + 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS For Time: Hero “Randy” 75 Power Snatches 75/55 7 Min Timecap WOD Guidance: Snatch weight should be very light and you should be able to perform 20 reps unbroken with chosen weight. Find a steady pace that you can...Read More
Front Squat 2-3-5-10-2-3-5-10 Via CrossFit Linchpin WOD Guidance: Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets. Stick with your 10 rep load the whole time. Allow the 2’s. 3’s, and 5’s to be easier. As always focus on technique. not loading.Read More
Hero ‘Gallant” 1 Mile run w mudball 20/14 60 Burpee Pull-ups 800m Run w Medball 30 Burpee Pull-ups 400m Run w medball 15 Burpee pull-ups WOD Guidance: If mile run without ball is 10 min or more reduce distance to 800/600/400. This WOD can also be performed with a partner but partners must run together...Read More
21 Min EMOM Min 1 : 10 alternating pistol squats Min 2: 250m Row Min 3: Max KB Swings 53/35 Score will be total KB Swings WOD Guidance: If not efficient at pistol squats choose appropriate scale that you can perform them in :30 or less focusing on your technique. Row should be :30-:35 seconds...Read More
20 min AMRAP 6 Strict Pull-ups 5 Strict Ring Dips 4 Strict HSPU WOD Guidance: first couple rounds should be able to be performed in unbroken sets. If not choose lower rep scheme (5-4-3 or 4-3-2). The later rounds will be challenging and break up in small sets as needed.Read More
***ONLY ONE WOD AT 10 AM*** Team “1776” Teams of 3 KB Swings 53/35 Box Jumps 24″/20″ Air Squats Push-ups Burpees Pull-ups Sit-ups Row (Calories) Double unders Wall balls (20/14) Dumbbell snatches 50/35 Dumbbell push Presses 50/35 WOD Guidance: Pick any movements listed and complete in any order, Partners may work at same time but...Read More
Strength/Technique: 20 Min to establish heavy thruster (annotate weight). 21-15-9 Thrusters 75/55 Burpees Double unders 7 Min Timecap WOD Guidance: Choose thruster weight that you can complete round of 21 in 2 sets or less. Dig deep and push to finish before the timecap.Read More