
PFC CrossFit – CrossFit 230910 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) – RX – AMRAP 30 with a partner: 100-calorie Echo Bike 100 KB snatches (53/70 lb) 100 toes-to-bars – Split work as needed with one person working at a time. – INTERMEDIATE – AMRAP 30 with a partner: 100-calorie Echo Bike 100 KB snatches (35/53...
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PFC CrossFit – Open Gym 230910 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) – RX – AMRAP 30 with a partner: 100-calorie Echo Bike 100 KB snatches (53/70 lb) 100 toes-to-bars – Split work as needed with one person working at a time. – INTERMEDIATE – AMRAP 30 with a partner: 100-calorie Echo Bike 100 KB snatches...
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PFC CrossFit – CrossFit 230909 (Time) – RX – 2 rounds for time: 100-ft DB/KB walking lunges (53/70 lb) 400-m run 10 wall walks 400/500-m row – Use two DB/KBs held in a farmers carry. – INTERMEDIATE – 2 rounds for time: 100-ft DB/KB walking lunges (35/53 lb) 400-m run 7 wall walks 400/500-m row...
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PFC CrossFit – Open Gym 230909 (Time) – RX – 2 rounds for time: 100-ft DB/KB walking lunges (53/70 lb) 400-m run 10 wall walks 400/500-m row – Use two DB/KBs held in a farmers carry. – INTERMEDIATE – 2 rounds for time: 100-ft DB/KB walking lunges (35/53 lb) 400-m run 7 wall walks 400/500-m...
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PFC CrossFit – CrossFit 230908 (AMRAP – Reps) – RX – AMRAP 7: Max bar muscle-ups – Perform 6 burpee box jumps (20/24 in) at the start of each minute including the start of the workout. – INTERMEDIATE – AMRAP 7: Max jumping bar muscle-ups – Perform 4 burpee box jumps (20 in) at the...
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PFC CrossFit – Open Gym 230908 (AMRAP – Reps) – RX – AMRAP 7: Max bar muscle-ups – Perform 6 burpee box jumps (20/24 in) at the start of each minute including the start of the workout. – INTERMEDIATE – AMRAP 7: Max jumping bar muscle-ups – Perform 4 burpee box jumps (20 in) at...
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PFC CrossFit – CrossFit Front Squat (- RX – 5 sets for load: 5 front squats – INTERMEDIATE – Same as Rx’d – BEGINNER – Same as Rx’d) General Warm-up (No Measure) 3 sets: 6 push-ups 8 alternating Cossack squats 10 DB goblet squats – Increase DB load for the goblet squats each set. Skill...
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PFC CrossFit – Open Gym Front Squat (- RX – 5 sets for load: 5 front squats – INTERMEDIATE – Same as Rx’d – BEGINNER – Same as Rx’d) General Warm-up (No Measure) 3 sets: 6 push-ups 8 alternating Cossack squats 10 DB goblet squats – Increase DB load for the goblet squats each set....
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PFC CrossFit – CrossFit 230906 (AMRAP – Reps) – RX – EMOM 12: Min. 1 | 6 strict pull-ups + 12 push-ups + 18 air squats Min. 2 | Max-rep double-unders – Score is total reps. – INTERMEDIATE – EMOM 12: Min. 1 | 4 strict pull-ups + 8 push-ups + 12 air squats Min....
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PFC CrossFit – Open Gym 230906 (AMRAP – Reps) – RX – EMOM 12: Min. 1 | 6 strict pull-ups + 12 push-ups + 18 air squats Min. 2 | Max-rep double-unders – Score is total reps. – INTERMEDIATE – EMOM 12: Min. 1 | 4 strict pull-ups + 8 push-ups + 12 air squats...
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