Strength/Skill: 25 Minute skills and drills for Rope Climbs and pistols. 10 Min AMRAP 1 Rope Climb 14 Pistols squats (alternating) 30 Double Unders WOD Guidance: If you cannot do rope climbs or pistols use one of the versions you went over in the strength/skill portion. If scaling double unders newer athletes choose a 1:1...Read More
Strength/Technique: 6 min EMOM of 3 Deadlifts 5 RFT 5 Deadlifts 225/155 10 Bar Facing burpees *6 min Timecap WOD Guidance: This WOD should be performed at maximum effort. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and get uncomfortable. Choose deadlift weight that you can do all 5 reps unbroken when fresh with ease.Read More
Jerk (Split or Push) 1-1-1-1-1 WOD Guidance: You can use either a push Jerk or Split Jerk. Spend some time working both techniques as you warm-up. Build to a heavy single and treat that as your 1st rep.Read More
Hero “Holleyman” 30 RFT 5 Wall Balls 20/14 3 HSPU 1 Power Clean 225/155 *35 min Timecap WOD Guidance: CrossFit Hero WOD dedicated to US Army Staff Sergeant Aaron Holleyman of Glasgow, MS. He was killed Aug 30th, 2004 when his military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq. This WOD is a...Read More
“Nicole” 20 Min AMRAP 400m Run Max Rep pull-ups WOD Guidance: Classic CrossFit benchmark to test your fitness. If using a band for pull-ups, as soon as you stop and rest in bottom that set is complete. Try to take each set to failure.Read More
3 RFT 15 Front Squats 135/95 15 Box Jumps 30″/24″ *10 Min Timecap WOD Guidance: All front squats need to be cleaned from the floor unless scaling. Choose moderate weight that you can do at least 10 unbroken front squats. Just a warning, make sure you have your legs under you before you attempt to...Read More
Strength/Technique: 6 Min EMOM complex of: 1 Strict press – 2 Push Press – 2 Push Jerk 6 Min AMREP 10 Push press 95/65 30 Double Unders WOD Guidance: This workout is sprint and should be performed as such. Choose weight for push press that you can do 10 unbroken reps easily when fresh. Choose...Read More
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 WOD Guidance: Build up to a heavy single and either perform that 5 times resting as needed between sets or you can add weight but all 5 reps should be heavy and require rest between sets. For scaling purposes and newer athletes focus on technique not weight.Read More