Strength/Skill: 20 Minutes to establish heavy-ish 4 rep deadlift. Newer athletes focus on technique not weight. 10-20-30-40 Wall Balls 20/14 Deadlifts 135/95 *10 min Time cap WOD Guidance: Choose wall ball weight that you can do 15-20 reps unbroken when fresh. Deadlift should be light but that’s not an excuse to let form slip. Don’t...Read More
“Slimer” 6 Rounds for reps 1 Min Row For calories 1 Min Burpees 1 Minute Box Jumps Rest 1 Min WOD Guidance: Find a steady pace and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Keep a running total of reps each round and write it down during minute rest period. Try to have as little...Read More
Strength/Technique: 6 min EMOM of 1 Hang Snatch + 2 OHS 21-15-9 Hang Power Snatch 75/55 OHS 75/55 *6 Min Timecap WOD Guidance: This WOD should be fast and weights should be light. Choose weight that you could do at least 15 reps unbroken when fresh. Score will be total reps completed if not under...Read More
Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1 Finisher: Tabata Hang power clean 45/35 WOD Guidance: Work up to heavy Power clean and consider that your 1st rep. Should be incremental increases if any between the reps. Rest as needed between sets. Lets see some PR’s!Read More
For Time 1 Mile Run 100 Double Unders 80 Ab-Mat Sit-ups 60 Hand Release push-ups 40 4-count flutter kicks 20 Calorie Row 800m Run WOD Guidance: Yay Chipper! This WOD needs to be done from top to bottom and not broken up. If mile run takes over 12 minutes choose shorter distance like a 1200m...Read More
“Incredible Hulk” 20 Min AMRAP 5 Deadlifts 115/75 5 Hang Power Cleans 5 Front Squats 5 Push Press 5 Back Squat WOD Guidance: Fun! Pacing will be key in this WOD. Choose weight where you can do allthe movements from top to bottom without setting the bar down when fresh. Try to keep that as...Read More
Strength/Technique: 20 Minutes to establish 3 rep weighted pull-up. 10 Min AMREP Buy in 800m Run Then with remaining time: AMREP of: 5 Pull-ups 10 KB Swings 53/35 WOD Guidance: If 800m Pace is greater than 5 minutes choose 600m or 400m Run. Choose pull-up version and kettlebell weight you can do all reps unbroken...Read More