Announcements Ascent Protein recovery water is on sale to wholesale price until all product is gone. Discount already applied when purchased via kiosk at gym. PFC CrossFit – CrossFit WOD (Time) In teams of 2 210/180 Calorie Row 150 wall balls 20/14 90 toes to bar 30 Burpee pull-ups *one athlete works at a time...Read More
Announcements Saturday, May 13th at 11:30 White Wong PT will be hosting a wrist and shoulder workshop. If you struggle with wrist and shoulder issues in front rack and overhead position this workshop is for you. Ascent Protein recovery water is on sale to wholesale price until all product is gone. Discount already applied when...Read More
Announcements Saturday, May 13th at 11:30 White Wong PT will be hosting a wrist and shoulder workshop. If you struggle with wrist and shoulder issues in front rack and overhead position this workshop is for you. Ascent Protein recovery water is on sale to wholesale price until all product is gone. Discount already applied when...Read More
Announcements Saturday, May 13th at 11:30 White Wong PT will be hosting a wrist and shoulder workshop. If you struggle with wrist and shoulder issues in front rack and overhead position this workshop is for you. Ascent Protein recovery water is on sale to wholesale price until all product is gone. Discount already applied when...Read More
Announcements Saturday, May 13th at 11:30 White Wong PT will be hosting a wrist and shoulder workshop. If you struggle with wrist and shoulder issues in front rack and overhead position this workshop is for you. Ascent Protein recovery water is on sale to wholesale price until all product is gone. Discount already applied when...Read More
PFC CrossFit – CrossFit Hang Power Clean (15 minutes to build to heavy single for the day) WOD (Time) 30 Hang power cleans 95/65 40 Deadlifts 95/65 500/400m row *10 min timecap Via CAP 1 May 2023 WOD Guidance You should be able to finish hang power cleans and deadlifts in 1-2 sets each. If...Read More
PFC CrossFit – Open Gym Tabata Something Else (AMRAP – Reps) Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest...Read More