CrossFit – Fri, May 12


A2E7D992-710D-4E5C-9374-11C6F031F8AD.JPGSaturday, May 13th at 11:30 White Wong PT will be hosting a wrist and shoulder workshop. If you struggle with wrist and shoulder issues in front rack and overhead position this workshop is for you.

Ascent Protein recovery water is on sale to wholesale price until all product is gone. Discount already applied when purchased via kiosk at gym.

PFC CrossFit – CrossFit

WOD (Time)

Every 3 minutes for 7 sets

400m Run

Score is your slowest 400m run

WOD Guidance

This is a great opportunity to practice run pacing. If run takes over 2:15 reduce to 300m or 250m run. If unable to run use Bike erg 1000m/800m, Echo bike 1250/1000, or row 500m/400m.

Extra Work

Accumulate 5 min in plank hold or 5 min hang from pull-up bar.