CrossFit – Mon, May 8

PFC CrossFit – CrossFit

Hang Power Clean (15 minutes to build to heavy single for the day)

WOD (Time)

30 Hang power cleans 95/65

40 Deadlifts 95/65

500/400m row

*10 min timecap

Via CAP 1 May 2023

WOD Guidance

You should be able to finish hang power cleans and deadlifts in 1-2 sets each. If not reduce load. Your grip and arms will feel drained when you start the row, making it hard to start fast. Still, push for fast sprint at the start and finish strong. Take chances with the barbell and don’t hold back.


Bike Erg 1000/800m

Echo bike 1250/900

Extra Work

Every :30 for 10 sets

2 power cleans

-must be touch-n-go