Strength/Technique: 6 Min EMOM of 1 Clean & Jerk. Work up to heavy weight 10 min AMRAP 20 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Clean & Jerk 135/95 WOD Guidance: This couplet will be a sneaky one. Choose a weight and height on wall ball that you can complete all 20 reps when fresh. The C&J should...Read More
Strength/Skill: Work up to 2 rep max weighted pull-up “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 WOD Guidance: Another classic CF benchmark WOD. If you cannot string together large sets of double unders you should consider scaling to single unders. This WOD should be completed in under 10 minutes.Read More
Strength/Skill: 6 min EMOM of 4 Thrusters. Work up to a heavy-ish weight. 5 Rounds in 2 min complete… 200m Sprint Max Thrusters 75/55 Rest 2 min between rounds Scored as 5 individual scores WOD Guidance: This WOD is intended to be done as a sprint type workout, giving it all you have for 2...Read More
Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 Finisher: Max Strict Press in 1 min (45/35) Rest 1 min Max Push press in 1 min (45/35) Rest 1 Min Max Push Jerk in 1 min (45/35 WOD Guidance: Work up to a heavy single and that will be your starting weight. Don’t sacrifice your technique for weight, EVER. For the...Read More
20 Min Running Clock 10 RFT 2 Bar Muscle-ups 4 Bar Facing Burpees 6 Deadlift 275/185 If any remaining time, max calories on rower. Will be scored as reps if you don’t finish or time and calories rowed. WOD Guidance: This workout is a triplet that involves a high skill gymnastic movement (Bar muscle-up). Even...Read More
5 RFT 15 Hang Squat Cleans 135/95 30 Push-ups CF Mainsite 18 Nov WOD Guidance: This workout calls for a high volume of squat cleans and push-ups. Reduce the reps and load to keep each round challenging. You should be able to do 5-8 reps of weight when fresh.Read More
18 Min AMRAP 4 Strict HSPU 8 C2B Pull-ups 20 Double unders WOD Guidance: Try not to sprint out of the gate to keep the heart rate from spiking, 18 minutes is a long time. These are high strength gymnastic movements and if you need to scale it down choose a version that will challenge...Read More
Skill/Technique: Single arm dumbbell/KB Overhead Squat. 6 min EMOM: 3 per arm (6 total) WOD: 5 RFT 15 KB Swings 70/53 15 Burpees *10 min T/C via Chris Spealler WOD Guidance: The goal for this is 6-10 minutes. Choose a KB weight that you can swing 15 reps when fresh. Try to keep swings unbroken...Read More