Deadlift7-7-7-7 Finisher: Max top of deadlift hold 95/65. No mixed grip allowed. WOD Guidance: Warm-up to heavy weight before beginning first set of 7. Rest as needed between sets. Never sacrifice form for load. Newer athletes focus on technique not loading.Read More
25 Min AMRAP8 Front Squat 165/115100m OH single KB Carry 44/2612 KB Swings 70/53 WOD Guidance: This long WOD will test those legs with some heavy-ish front squats, some overhead carries for shoulder stability and core work, followed by some heavy KB swings. Athletes should choose weight for Front squat where they can do all...Read More
4 RFT400m Run4 Wall Climbs *18 Min Timecap40 Double Unders WOD Guidance: This triplet is self-explanatory. If your 400m run is 2:40 or higher on average, reduce distance. If you don’t have at least 5 double unders choose a version of singles you can finish in :30 – 1:00. Read More
Strength/Technique: 6 min EMOM of 2 power cleans. For Time: 15 Burpees3 Rounds3 Power Clean 135/956 De-load push-ups9 Air Squats10 Burpees4 rounds3 Power Cleans 135/956 De-load push-ups9 Air Squats5 Burpees *10 min T/C5 Rounds3 Power Cleans 135/956 De-load pushups9 Air Squats WOD Guidance: This WOD will be short and intense with a HARD 10 min cap. Push yourself to finish...Read More
Fight Gone Bad 3 rounds rotating each minute 1 min max Wall Balls 20/141 min Max SDHP 75/551 min max box jumps 20″1 min max push press 75/551 minute max cal rowRest 1 minute between rounds Score is total reps WOD Guidance: Classic benchmark WOD. This WOD is modeled after a UFC fight with 3,...Read More
Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1 Finisher: 5 Min AMREP 40 ft Shuttle sprint (1 Cone every 10 ft) 20 Air Squats 10 Push-ups WOD Guidance: Work up to heavy power clean and perform that 5x resting as needed between. If not experienced with power clean work on technique before worrying about weight. If experienced and want to...Read More
Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1 Finisher: 5 Min AMREP 40 ft Shuttle sprint (1 Cone every 10 ft) 20 Air Squats 10 Push-ups WOD Guidance: Work up to heavy power clean and perform that 5x resting as needed between. If not experienced with power clean work on technique before worrying about weight. If experienced and want to...Read More
5 Rounds for Time of: Max calorie row in 60 Seconds Turkish Get-ups 53/35 WOD Guidance: Complete a total of 40 reps (or calories) in each round. For example, if you row 25 caloires, complete 15 turkish get-ups for that round. If you row 30 calories , complete 10 turkish get-ups for that round. This...Read More
15 Min AMRAP 50 Burpees 40 Ab-Mat Sit-ups 30 C2B Pull-ups 20 Ring Dips 10 sec L-Sit hold WOD Guidance: This AMRAP chipper warms you up with a few burpees to get the blood flowing. Try to keep a steady pace and avoiding long rest periods. Scale as needed. everyone should be able to get...Read More