Lift: 20 minutes to practice or establish a 1RM Snatch. WOD: 50-30-20: Wall balls (20/14, on a 9′ target), pullups, double unders.Read More
Lift: 12 minutes to practice or establish a 1RM Snatch Drop. (This video is of a pressing snatch balance, the snatch drop is done by quickly driving yourself under the bar instead of slowly pressing yourself under it.) WOD: 5 Rounds for Time: 100m shuttle run (10 meter increments), 5 Front squats Rx(135/95) Rx+(185/130).Read More
Lift: Pause Snatch Pull (3 second pause below the knee) 3 sets of 5, rest 2 minutes between sets. WOD: 5 minute AMRAP KB snatches (24/16), REST 3 minutes, 5 minute row for distance. Score will be the number of KB snatches plus the distance in meters. Read More
Lift: Back Squat, 5 sets of 2 with a 2 second pause at the bottom of the 2nd rep. Rest 60 seconds between sets. WOD: “Nate” AMRAP in 20 Minutes: 2 muscle ups, 4 handstand pushups, 8 KB swings (32/24). Read More
WOD: 2 Person teams complete: 100 wallballs (20/14, on a 9′ target), 400m run, 75 pullups, 400m run, 50 pvc situps, 400m run, 25 overhead walking lunges (45/25), 2 rope climbs. Only one partner can be working at a time, both partners must run the 400m together and can not start the next exercise until...Read More
Lift: 3 sets of 5 back squats, 2 minutes of rest between sets. WOD: Run 800m, 20 pushups Rx(hand release) Rx+(chest clapping), Run 800m, 10 wall walks, Run 800m Read More
Lift: 12 minutes to practice or perform a 1rm snatch balance. WOD: 3 Rounds for Time: 5 Deadlifts Rx(275/185) Rx+(315/225), 50 abmat situps, 5 lateral box jumps (24″/20″)Read More