20 min AMRAP 8 C2B pull-ups 10 Burpees 12 Air Squats WOD Guidance: This twisted version of CrossFit Benchmark “Cindy” should get the job done! If you cannot do C2B pull-ups choose a more challenging version of what you normally do when pull-ups are programmed in a WOD.Read More
For Time 20 Clean & Jerks 135/95 4 Rope Climbs 15′ 800m Run 160 Double Unders WOD Guidance: Clean & jerk weight should be moderate where you can perform at least 5 reps fairly easy. If you cannot do rope climbs choose a suitable rope climb modification.Read More
Strength/Skill: 6 Min EMOM of 3 Thrusters building to heavy weight 2 RFT 400m Run 20 Thrusters 115/85 10 Front rack lunges 115/85 *10 min Timecap WOD Guidance: If your 400m Pace is over 2:30 choose a shorter distance. The thruster weight should be a moderate weight that you should be able to do all...Read More
Hero ‘Roy” 5 RFT15 Deadlifts 225/15520 Box Jumps 24″/20″25 Pull-ups WOD Guidance: Oh boy, Roy! This WOD is extremely challenging as with most Hero WODS. Deadlift weight should be moderate and shouldn’t feel very heavy when fresh. Steady pace through the box jumps and if you don’t have 10 or more unbroken pull-ups choose a...Read More
3 RFT 400m Run w Medball 20/1430 Med Ball Cleans 20/1420 Push ups with hands on Medball WOD Guidance: Good test of that GPP and getting up close and personal with your medicine ball. Whatever weight you choose use it for all movements. ROM on the push-ups is chest must touch the ball. Carry the...Read More