5 RFT 400m Run 20 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Deadlift 225/155 *30 min Time cap WOD Guidance: This WOD is intended to be of the longer variety to test you endurance and stamina. Try to keep runs intense but not all out as hard as you can go. Try to set a goal time for...Read More
Hero “Jack” 20 min AMRAP 10 Push Press 115/85 10 KB Swings 53/35 10 Box Jumps 24″/20″ WOD Guidance: Hero WOD time so time to dig deep. Choose a weight for all movements that when fresh you can do one round easily. During later rounds try to break into manageable sets (like 5 and 5...Read More
Strength/Skill: 6 min EMOM of 2 cleans 1-2-3-4-5 Bar Muscle-up 10-8-6-4-2 Clean 185/125 *10 min Time cap WOD Guidance: This couplet of designed to be short and heavy. You can use either a power clean or squat clean as long as technique is sound. Build up to heavy clean during strength/skill portion to figure out...Read More
** CHECK SCHEDULE FOR HOLIDAY WOD TIMES ** Strength/technique: 4 Weighted Front rack Box Step-ups 6 min EMOM of alternating. Choose challenging height and weight. Death by….. Burpees WOD Guidance: This WOD will be very sneaky. Try to keep a slow pace during lower reps to keep heart down. Once the heart rate redlines it...Read More