For Time 50 Burpee Pull-ups Rest 5 Min For time: 50 Burpee Box Overs 24’/20″ Rest 5 Min For Time: 50 Bar facing Burpees This WOD is from CrossFit LinchpinRead More
For Time: 25 Cal Row 50 Abmat situps 100 Double Unders 20 Cal Row 40 Ab Mat sit-ups 80 Double Unders 15 Cal Row 30 Abmat situps 60 Double Unders 10 Cal Row 20 Ab Mat situps 40 Double UndersRead More
Strength/Skill: 30 Min to work up to 2 rep heavy thruster 5 RFT 6 Thrusters 95/65 9 Bar facing Burpees 12 Front Rack Lunges (6 per leg) *10 min TimecapRead More
Death By 10m Shuttle Sprint * Set up two cones 10M apart and sprint 10m first minutes 20m the second and so on and so forth until cant complete in 1 minute. At least one foot must pass the cone and one hand must touch the ground before you turn for the next 10m. *Score...Read More