“Running partner Fran” Partners will perform: 21 thrusters (95/65) 1 at a time Run 400M together 21 pullups 1 at a time Run 400M together 15… Run…15… Run… 9… Run… 9… RunRead More
Strength/Skill: 12 min establish 1RM bench press Conditioning: For time: 30 shoulder to overhead (115/75) 30 front rack lunges (115/75) 30 Hang Power Cleans (115/75) 30 Burpee pull-upsRead More
Strength/Skill: 15 minutes to work on Bench press. (bar or with weights) Work on form. (1. pull shoulders back and down, 2.engage midline, 3. Pull the bar apart, 4. Pull the elbows in, 5. Keep feet on the ground) Conditioning: 30 min AMRAP Run 400M 10 burpees 10 double unders (1 to 5 sub) 10...Read More
30 seconds max pushups 30 seconds plank hold 30 seconds max bodyweight DL 30 seconds DL lockout hold 30 seconds max airsquats 30 seconds A/S ‘crease low, hands up’ hold 30 seconds max pullups 30 seconds hang from barRead More
Strength/Skill: 10 minutes to work on Dead lifts. (bar or with weights) Work on technique/form. Conditioning: *Team of two *One athlete working at a time *Athlete #1 must finish the sets of DL and BBJ before swapping w/ athlete #2 15 minutes of : 3-6-9-12-15-18…..and so on. (add 3 each round) Dead lifts (225/155) Burpee...Read More