Skill: Work on Pistols and/or pistol progressions for 10 minutes and then work on DUs for 10 minutes. Conditioning: “Isabel” 30 Snatch (135/95)Read More
12min EMOM 3×3 Romanian Deadlift (straight leg DL) (work up to heavy w/ a PROPER form) please check out video- 3×3 DL (load is the same with RDL) Conditioning: 3 RFT: 50 pull-ups farmers carry (1 lap around bldg. 2×53 kb/ 2×35 kb, or use 2x45lb/2x25lb plates if short of weights)Read More
Skill: Tabata L-sit holds on parallets (4 rnds) Conditioning: For time 1 sprint to the fence and back 5 Hang snatch (95/65) 5 Box overs (30″/24″) 5 OHL (45/25) 10 Hang snatch (95/65) 10 Box overs (30″/24″) 10 OHL (45/25) 15 Hang snatch (95/65) 15 Box overs (30″/24″) 1 sprint to the fence and backRead More