“We Can Be Heroes” Donation Based WOD – Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate! “BOWEN” 3 rounds for time of: Run 800 meters 275/205-lb. deadlifts, 7 reps 10 burpee pull-ups 53/35-lb. single arm kettlebell thrusters, 14 reps (7 each arm) 20 box jumps, 24-inch boxRead More
Str: 4×2 Back squats (155/115 w/ 3 sec pause at the bottom) 3×2 Back squats “ 2×2 Back squats “ Conditioning: for time *break up as needed 1600m wallball run (20/14) 40 wallballs (20/14) 40 MB cleans...Read More
Death by….. 3 Deadlift (bodyweight) 3 KB swings (53/35) 3 abmats *Perform each movement for the indicated number of reps every minute on the minute. Every 3 minutes, add one rep to each movement. Workout ends when the athletes are no longer able to complete the work in a given minute. Option: 15.4 CF Open...Read More