Strength: 10 Min EMOM Double-Pause Deadlifts 1- 3 reps (3 Second pause). **Weight should be between 40%-60% of 1 RM from earlier in the month. Newer athletes will work on form and use light weight. WOD: 6 Rounds (12 total minutes) 30 Seconds of work 30 Seconds of rest Wall Balls 20/10 Row For Calories **WOD...Read More
“9-11 Memorial WOD” 2001m Row or Run (1.25 miles) 11 Box Jumps (30”/24”) 11 Thrusters (125/85) 11 Burpee Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups 11 Power Cleans (175/120) 11 HSPU 11 KB Swings (70/53) 11 T2B 11 DL (170/120) 11 Push Jerks (110/75) 2001m Row or run * if athlete starts with the row the must do...Read More