Lift: 7 sets of 2 Pause Front Squats (3 Sec Pause) rest 60 seconds between sets. WOD: 1-12 Thrusters. Athletes will perform 1 thruster, set the bar down, then perform 2 thrusters, set the bar down, then perform 3 three thrusters. This pattern will continue until the athlete has completed 12 thrusters. The workout...Read More
Lift: 15 Minutes to practice or test a tall snatch. WOD: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes complete 5 burpees then complete max kettlebell swings Rx(24/16), Rx+(32/24) for the remainder of the minute. Score is total kettlebell swings.Read More
All Lifters: 3 sets of 5 snatch pull, as heavy as possible with good form. 2 minutes of rest between sets. 3 rounds for time: 10 Turkish get ups Rx(20/12) Rx+(24/16), 10 pull ups Rx+(Chest to bar pullups), 400m Run.Read More
NO LIFT TODAY 3 Rounds for Score: 1 min max thrusters Rx(95/65) Rx+(135/95), 1 min rest, 1 min max abmat situps, rest 1 min, 1 min max double unders, 2 minutes rest between rounds. Add total reps for score.Read More
Beginner Lifters: 12 minutes to practice the snatch drop. Intermediate/Advanced Lifters: 12 minutes to establish a 1RM snatch drop. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 KB Swings Rx(24/16) Rx+(32/24) BurpeesRead More
All Lifters: 4 sets of 8 back squats, as heavy as possible. 2 minutes of rest between sets. AMRAP 15 minutes: 100m shuttle sprints, 10 DB snatches (45/30), 5 overhead squats Rx (115/80) Rx+(135/95),Read More
Beginner Lifters: 15 minutes to practice the 3-position snatch (hip, mid thigh, ground). Intermediate/Advanced Lifters: 15 minutes to establish a 1RM a 3-position snatch. “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlift (225/135), Handstand PushupsRead More
Attention!!! We will be closed Saturday, August 11th due to the Nevada Police and Fire Games. The games will be hosted by CrossFit Sin City. The open CrossFit competition is open to all athletes, civilians included. See me for more info. I encourage all members to consider competing or coming by to cheer for your...Read More
All lifters: 5 sets of 3 snatch grip deadlift WOD: Row 1000m, 50KB swings (24/16), row 500m, 30KB swings, row 250m, 20KB swings. Attention!!! We will be closed Saturday, August 11th due to the Nevada Police and Fire Games. The games will be hosted by CrossFit Sin City. The open CrossFit competition is open...Read More