25 Min AMRAP 500m Row 10 Clean & Jerk 95/65 50 Double Unders 10 SDHP 95/65 WOD Guidance: Clean & Jerk and SDHP weight should feel light when fresh and able to do 10 reps unbroken.Read More
3 RFT 15 Power Clean 115/75 15M Front Rack Lunge 115/75 15 Push Press 115/75 3 Rope Climbs *Via CrossFit Linchpin WOD Guidance: Power clean weight should feel heavy when fresh. Ensure knee touches the ground with all lunges or step back and repeat.Read More
Strength/Technique: 20 Min to build to heavy 1 Rep weighted pull-up “Amanda” 9-7-5 Ring Muscle-ups Squat Snatch 135/95 *10 Min Timecap WOD Guidance: This is extremely challenging WOD with two high skill movements. For scaling purposes if you have five Chest to bar pull-ups and five ring dips do low ring muscle-ups. If you do...Read More
5 x 400m Run Rest periods will be as long as it takes to complete 400m run. WOD Guidance: Push yourself out of your comfort zone for these runs. They should be at 80% or higher for effort. Try to keep drop off as little as possible between rounds.Read More
Thruster 5-4-3-2-1 Finisher: Tabata Thrusters w/empty barbell WOD Guidance: Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Score will be heaviest weight used. Newer athletes focus on technique not load.Read More
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