30 Min AMRAP800m Run40 Ab-mat sit-ups20 Pistols squats (alternating) WOD Guidance: This long AMRAP is all about keeping a steady pace. If your 800m Pace is 5:30 or higher choose either a 600m Run or 400m Run. If need to scale the pistol squat choose a scale that will challenge you but where you can...Read More
4 RFT21 Thrusters 45/3515 Strict Ring Dips9 strict HSPU *20 Min Timecap WOD Guidance: Push hard through the thrusters. Use weight that you can go unbroken through first round. Scale the rings to bar with band if needed but keep them strict. If cannot do strict HSPU use box. Read More
Strength/Technique: 20 min to work up to max weighted 1 rep strict pull-up. “GI Jane”For Time100 Burpee Pull-ups * 12 min TimecapWOD Guidance: While this WOD is not officially a benchmark WOD it’s a great test of your engine. If Rx’ing this WOD choose pullup bar that is above fingertips when arm is extended overhead. ...Read More
Strength/Technique: 6 min EMOM 2 Clean & Jerks 21-15-9Deadlift 95/65Clean & Jerk 95/65 *6 min Timecap WOD Guidance: This WOD should be light and fast. Bring the intensity and try to finish under the time cap. Scale weight as needed but use same weight for both movements. Also, when completing the last deadlift of each...Read More
Overhead Squat3-3-3-3-3 Finisher: Tabata Overhead PVC jumping squats WOD Guidance: Build to a heavy set of 3 of overhead squat before starting first set. Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets. For scaling purposes focus on technique, not load and back squat if necessary.Read More
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