WOD: 2 Rounds for time: 50 double unders, 15 handstand pushups, 5 tire flips. ***Congratulations to Progressive F.O.R.C.E. CrossFit coach Ann Taylor on your wedding day!!***Read More
NO LIFT TODAY 50 Kb swings (24/16), Run to angel park, 50 pullups, Run back to PFCF, 25 Kb swings (24/16), Run to angel park, 25 pullups, Run back to PFCF.Read More
NO LIFT TODAY. All classes will be held outside due to training being conducted in the gym. Don’t worry, it will be nice outside. WOD: 400m Run, 25 pushups, 400m Run, 25 PVC abmat situps, 400m Run, 25 pushups, 400m Run, 25 PVC abmat situps, 400m Run. ****Attention Members, the following classes will no longer...Read More
NO LIFT TODAY Buy in: 3 rope climbs. (your time will not start until you finish 3 rope climbs) Then: 21-15-9, Push press(95/65), lateral barbell burpees. Cash out: 3 tire flips. (your time will not stop until you finish 3 tire flips)Read More
Lift: 5 Sets of 3 Front Squats. WOD: Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes, complete a 100m sprint. If you can not finish the sprint in under one minute, rest the next round. For every round that does not have a sprint completed do 10 burpees at the end of the 16 minutes.Read More