Strength/Technique: 20 minutes GOAT (something you struggle with) work. 6 Min AMRAP3-6-9-12-15 etc.… of: Wall Balls 20/14T2B WOD Guidance: Choose something to work on that you tend to avoid and struggle with. For the WOD turn up the intensity and find a wall ball target that is close to bar to minimize transition time. It’s...Read More
Strict press5-4-3-2-1 Finisher: Tabata Shoulder to Overhead 45/35 WOD Guidance: Work up to heavy set of 5 and that will be your first set. Add weight as you build up to the heavy single. Read More
For Time5 Strict pull-ups10 push-ups15 Air Squats10 Strict Pull-ups20 Push-ups30 Air Squats20 Strict pull-ups40 push-ups60 Air Squats40 Strict pull-ups80 Push-ups120 Air Squats 20 min Time cap Via 12 Feb 19 WOD Guidance: Keep pull-ups strict, push-ups honest, and squats low. Score will be total reps in 20 min or time completed if under.Read More
20 Min AMRAP1 Rope Climb3 Deadlift 315/2256 Bar Facing Burpees200m Sprint WOD Guidance: Pacing will be key in this WOD. The deadlift should be heavy but not 1 rep max heavy. Spend some time working up to a challenging weight.Read More
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