Strength: Work on OHS for 10 minutes Conditioning: For Time Buy-in = 400m run 20 DL (225/185) 40 Wallballs (20/14) 15 DL 30 WB 10 DL 20 WB 5 DL 10 WB Cash-out= 50 DUs Read More
Str: 10 minute EMOM 4 Bent over row (95/65) 4 front squats Conditioning: *Team of 3 *one athlete at a time. *after athlete #1 finishes the row can s/he can move on to the next exercise but at no point that athletes behind athlete #1 can pass him/her....Read More
*spotter is a must Strength: 5×5 Bench press @65% or work up to a weight where reps 4 and 5 get tough. 4×5 BP @ 75% 3×5 BP @ 85% Conditioning: *30 sec rest between movements *record running total 1 minute AMREP Deadlift (95/65) 2 minute AMREP Power Clean (95/65)...Read More