Take a moment to remember the lives lost on September 11, 2001. If the workout for today is the hardest thing you have to endure for your day, be thankful. WOD: “Elizabeth” 21-15-9: Power Cleans (135/95), Ring Dips.Read More
This week is the end of our 6 week Snatch cycle. We will not be doing any lifts this week. We will also be retesting the same bench mark workouts that we did 6 weeks ago. Hopefully everyone saw improvement in their snatch technique and hit some PR’s. We will begin a 6 week clean...Read More
Lift: 15 minutes to practice or establish a 1RM hang snatch. WOD: 12 Minute AMRAP-30 double unders, 5 burpees (add 5 burpees to every round i.e. round 1 5 burpees, round 2 10 burpees, round 3 15 burpees….)Read More