Strength 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS Conditioning: record time Team of 2 15 min AMRAP *only one athlete working at a time. athlete #1 run around building with med ball (20/14), while athlete #2 performs single unders. Swap out when athlete #1 gets back from the run. Record...Read More
Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 2RM pause (3 counts @ bottom of knee) Clean & Jerk. Each rep should start from the floor. Conditioning 3 RFT: 10 KB/DB Cleans (two hands/bells, from the floor) 53/35 20 Wall Balls 20/14#, (11’/10′) 50 Double-UndersRead More
Back Squats: 1X5@60, 1X5@65, 1X5@70, 1X5@75 Conditioning: 1:00 ME Strict HSPU 5:00 ME KB/DB Snatch 53/35 (apportion reps anyhow, but try to keep reps even) 1:00 ME Strict HSPU 3:00 ME KB/DB Snatch 53/35 (apportion reps anyhow, but try to keep reps even) 1:00 ME Strict HSPURead More