Memorial Day is right around the corner. Memorial Day Murph shirts are availablefor pre-order. T-shirt, racerback tanks and crop top available. Sign up is on whiteboard at the gym.
PFC CrossFit – Open Gym
400m jog
10 band pass throughs
10 banded overhead squats
10 band pull-aparts
10 band press outs (snatch grip)
10 cossack squats
10 elbow to instep w/reach
10 shoulder to floor
10 scorpions
:20 bar hang
8 scap pull-ups
8 kip swings
2-3 pull-ups (2nd round do C2B)
5 Hang power snatch
5 behind the neck snatch grip press
5 overhead squat
Overhead Squat (Weight)
15 minutes to build to a heavy single for the day.
Francy (Time)
OHS 95/65
C2B Pull-ups
*8 minute time cap
WOD Guidance
During strength portion in between sets of overhead squats warm-up pull-ups and set-up area if choosing a scale.
This workout is intended to be a sprint so choose weight for overhead squat and pull-up version that allows you to move. Choose weight on overhead squat that allows you to complete round of 21 in two sets or less. You should be able to perform sets of 5 on chest to bar pull-ups, if not reduce to pul-up version that allows that. If you do not complete workout in time cap your score will be 8 minutes plus remainingreps will be seconds. But no one is going to get capped right?
Extra Work
3 sets
10-12 bicep curls (per arm)
10 single dumbbell behind headtricep extensions