CrossFit – Sat, Apr 8


Memorial Day is right around the corner. Memorial Day Murph shirts are availablefor pre-order. T-shirt, racerback tanks and crop top available. Sign up is on whiteboard at the gym.

PFC CrossFit – CrossFit


Partner A: 3min row

Partner B: AMRAP of:

5 air squats

10 PVC pass throughs

20 mountain climbers

*switch after 3 minutes

10 elbow instep w/reach

10 bird dogs

10 scorpions

:30 seal pose


5 good mornings

10 elbow rotations

5 hang muscle cleans

5 strict press

5 front squat

5 thrusters

3 high power snatch

3 above knee power snatch

3 mid shin power snatch

Rowing barbell (Distance)

In teams of 2 “I go you go”

20 min Max Distance row

at minute 0 & 10 perform

30 thrusters (115/85)

at minute 5 & 15 perform

30 power snatches (115/85)

WOD Guidance

Yes, you can pick your partner today but I highly encourage you to choose a partner you don’t regularly partner with. Recommended weight on this workout is 115/85 but choose load that allows you finish the 30 reps between the two of you in under 2:30. You can break them up however you want and do not need to be equal reps. For row no more than 1 minute before switch. If uneven number solo version will be max distance row and 15 thrusters and snatches. Score will be total meters rowed.