Wednesday – September 2, 2015

With a continuous running clock, perform the following:

0:00 – 1000m Row

5:00 – 50 Burpees

10:00 – 30 Strict Pull-ups

15:00 – 50 Wall Balls 20/14

20:00 – 30 Box Jump overs 24”/20”

25:00 – 800m Run

* Score will be Complete/Did not complete (DNC) see details below and what time they came in from the 800m run. You may not start any movement earlier than the designated time. Example: Brad: Complete/28:55

*Stagger athletes if needed, it must end with the 800m Run (so at 25:00 min mark every athlete will run). If athletes do not finish a movement in the 5 min window, they will get a DNC (Did not complete) but must move on to the next movement without finishing at the designated time.