Open Gym – Fri, Jul 28

PFC CrossFit – Open Gym

230728 (AMRAP – Reps)

– RX –

7 rounds for max reps:

1:30 to accumulate:

4 shoulder presses (95/135 lbs)

4 front squats

4 thrusters

AMRAP lateral burpees over the barbell

1:30 rest


7 rounds for max reps:

1:30 to accumulate:

4 shoulder press (65/95 lbs)

4 front squat

4 thrusters

AMRAP lateral burpees over the barbell

1:30 rest


7 rounds for max reps:

1:30 to accumulate:

4 shoulder press (35/45 lbs or lighter)

4 front squat

4 thrusters

AMRAP lateral burpees over the barbell (step over as needed)

1:30 rest

Stretching (No Measure)


:30 banded overhead stretch/side

:30 banded pec stretch/side

At Home Option (AMRAP – Reps)

7 rounds for max reps:

1:30 to accumulate:

5 shoulder presses (35/50 lb)

5 front squats

5 thrusters

AMRAP lateral burpees over the DBs

1:30 rest