PFC CrossFit – CrossFit
#IMUA (to move forward with strength and spirit) (Time)
100 seconds of silence/blessing (100+ lives lost)
8 rounds
200m Weighted Ball Run (20/14)
8 Toes to bar
8 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
23 Air Squats
13 Lateral Burpees
The Lahaina hurricane fire that devastated the people of Lahaina and Maui happened suddenly on 8/8/23. This workout was created by the owners of Lahaina CrossFit in Maui. They encourage all gyms to do it and they plan to do this together as thee 1st group WOD when they can re-open and every August 8th after.
– The weighted Med Ball run represents the Ohana running for their lives carrying loved ones and bugout bags
– The 8 Toes to bar – Lahaina is holding strong to the core.
-The 8 Hang power cleans – We will all get this community cleaned up.
– The 23 Air Squats (A lot of ups and downs every moment physically and emotionally)
– the 13 lateral burpees – When life knocks you down, you get back up and keep moving forward..IMUA!!
Stretching (No Measure)
2 sets:
:30 alternating scorpion stretch
:30 pigeon stretch/leg