CrossFit – Mon, Jul 10

PFC CrossFit – CrossFit

230710 (Time)

– RX –

3 rounds for time:

15 thrusters (65/95 lb)

400-m run


3 rounds for time:

15 thrusters (55/75 lb)

400-m run


3 rounds for time:

15 thrusters (35/45 lb)

200-m run

General Warm-up (No Measure)

1 set:

200-m run, slow

:30 alternating hamstring scoops

3 sets:

:30 running position drill per leg

:30 lean and pull drill

:30 running falling drill

100-m run

– Practice maintaining a figure-4 body position on each run.

1 set:

200-m run, faster

Skill Work – Pre-Workout (No Measure)


Every 2:00 for 4 sets:

3-5 empty barbell squat snatches

Stretching (No Measure)

1 set:

1:00 foam roll quads

1:00 couch stretch/leg

Work Your Weakness

Back Squat (- STRENGTH I –
5 heavy sets:
3 back squats
– Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.
– Use 80-85% of your 1-rep-max back squat.)

– STRENGTH II – (Weight)

Every 2:30 building to a heavy set:

2 hang power snatches

2 hang squat snatches

– Start at 65/95 lbs and add load with each set.

– All sets unbroken. Build to a heavy set without failing any reps.

SKILL I (6 Rounds for time)

Every 2:00 x 6 sets:

8/10-calorie SkiErg

25-50-ft handstand walk

– Limit each set to 1:15 of work.

– Substitute with an air bike or rower as needed.

Bench Press (- STRENGTH III -)

5 heavy sets: 3

bench presses

– Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.

– Use 80-85% of your 1-rep-max bench press.

– STAMINA I – (Distance)

On a 25:00 clock:

:48 C2 bike (slow-to-moderate)

:12 C2 bike (fast)

– 25:00 of continuous movement.

– Practice recovering from hard efforts with sustainable, slower paces.