CrossFit – Mon, Aug 14

PFC CrossFit – CrossFit

230814 (Time)

– RX –

3 rounds for time:

30 GHD sit-ups

30 power snatches (55/75 lb)


3 rounds for time:

20 GHD sit-ups to parallel

30 power snatches (45/55 lb)


3 rounds for time:

20 sit-ups

20 hang power snatches (35/45 lb)

Skill Work (Checkmark)


For completion:

200-m double-KB overhead carry

– Use a load that allows for 100-m or more at a time.

Stretching (No Measure)

1 set:

1:00 lacrosse-ball shoulder mash/side

1:00 cobra stretch

General Warm-up (No Measure)

2 sets:

12 straight-leg sit-ups

12 supermen

12 tempo PVC muscle snatches

– AT-HOME – (Time)

3 rounds for time:

30 weighted sit-ups (15/20 lb)

30 alternating DB snatches (35/50 lb)

Work Your Weakness

Hang Power Snatch (- STRENGTH I –
For load:
Every 1:30 for 10 sets:
3 hang power snatch)

– Above the knee

– Complete each lift at 60% or better based on the percentages of your 1-rep max.

– Look to increase loading on every set. So, each jump should be relatively small.

– Think about jumping the weight up to your overhead position and driving your elbows up and back to help keep the bar close. On the return, think about pushing the bar back to the hang position.

– STRENGTH II – (7 Rounds for weight)

7 sets for load:

1 push press + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk

– Loading will be limited to your best push press.

– Start around 70% of your best push press and increase loading across each set.

– Begin a new lift every 3:00.

Bench Press (- STRENGTH III –
Every 2:00 for 3 sets:
1 bench press
Every 2:00 for 3 sets:
3 bench presses
Every 2:00 for 3 sets:
5 bench presses

– Decrease loading as reps increase.

– The sets of 1 should be performed around 85%-100% of 1-rep max.

– The sets of 3 should be performed around 80%-90% of 1-rep max.

– The sets of 5 should be performed around 75%-85% of 1-rep max.

Record heaviest load lifted for 1 rep.

Note all other loads used in the comments.

– SKILL I – (5 Rounds for reps)

5 sets:

5 handstand push-up negatives

5 single-arm DB seated strict presses/arm

:30 max handstand push-ups

– Rest 2:00 between sets.

– Maintain no less than a 2 count on the descent of the negative. You do not want your head “crashing” to the floor.

– Use a weight for the DB strict press that allows you to complete all 5 reps on each arm unbroken.

– You may perform the handstand push-ups as strict or kipping. If you are capable of performing 15 unbroken kipping reps, you should perform strict reps in this skill work.

– Do not rest more than :10 between exercises.
Record the number of HSPUs completed.

Note load used for the DB strict press in the comments.

– STAMINA I – (Calories)


:30 max calorie row


:40 max calorie row


:45 max calorie row


:50 max calorie row

– Score is the total calories rowed across the 20:00.

– 250/200+ total calories. Advanced athletes should push over 300 calories.