CrossFit – Fri, Apr 28


Memorial Day Murph shirts are available for pre-order until May 1st.


T-shirt, racerback tanks and crop top available.


Sign up is on whiteboard at the gym.

Gym will be closed on Saturday, April 29th. We will be supporting Branded One CrossFit and the Fitness for Heroes 5k at 9 AM. This will be held across the street at Sunset Park. Come out and support this great cause and get some fitness!

Effective May 1st, the 7 pm WOD will be added back to Tuesday. 7 PM WOD will be available Monday – Thursday.

PFC CrossFit – CrossFit

WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 min AMRAP

10 Deadlifts 275/185

20 pull-ups

40 Double unders

WOD Guidance

Deadlift weight should be moderately heavy but should allow 10 reps to be completed in 2 sets or less when fresh. Higher volume set of pull-ups so break up as necessary. These will get taxing on your grip after a few rounds. If unable to perform double unders, reduce reps or 1:1 singles. Today is a good day to practice double unders in a workout if you have some, just don’t spend more than 1 minute on them each round. Goal is 3+ rounds.

Extra Work

3 sets for quality

20 back extensions on GHD