The PFC CrossFit programming model is targeted towards improving overall General Physical Preparedness or GPP of our athletes. GPP is being good at many things and not just one single thing. CrossFit specializes in not specializing. While a marathon runner will be great at running and a power lifter will be strong, the runner may be lacking in strength and the power lifter will, likely, not be good at endurance activities. CrossFit programming can take the runner and powerlifter and make them better overall athletes. When Crossfit Games competitor Chris Spealler was asked “Do you want a 4 min. mile or a 600 lb back squat?” He replied, “I want the best of both worlds.” As a CrossFit athlete, this means that if you are asked to run a mile or back squat, you’re going to be pretty decent at both. Constantly varied training serves to make day to day tasks from picking up your kids, carrying groceries, lifting a heavy box, or putting that heavy box up on a high shelf, much easier.
The PFC programming model is based on a five-day week with each day being the domains of Heavy + Short, Light + Long, Benchmark/Hero, Heavy + Long, or a Light + Short WOD. There will also be a Max Effort day at least 3 times during the month. This template is the backbone of the PFC “Training For Life” philosophy and has proven time and time again to make our members stronger and faster. The WOD domains will always rotate each week so the athlete who comes only on specific days will not get stuck doing the same domains. The long workouts are intended to be 15+ minutes in length and the short WODs are typically under 15 minutes. On short domain days, there will also be additional strength work or skill building. Benchmark/Hero WODs will give the athletes a good idea of where they stand. When a member does “Cindy” and then re-visits it six months later, they will be able to gauge their improvement. Hero WODs are named after fallen military, law-enforcement, and civil service personnel who have made the ultimate sacrifice. They are typically long, grinder WODs allowing time for reflection and taking athletes to a place that forces them to dig deep. When these Hero WODs are over, athletes feel accomplished knowing that they were able finish, but that they put it all out there to honor a fallen hero. Max Effort days will be working on lifting heavy and finding the athlete’s maxes in different lifts.
Every month there will be a FOCUS i.e.; Squat, Deadlift, Pressing Movements, Gymnastics, etc. The strength work throughout the month will be based on supplementing the FOCUS. For example, July’s FOCUS was the squat, so during that month on Max Effort days we hit heavy front squats, back squats, and overhead squats. These movements are also incorporated into the daily WODs. This does not mean that we will still not be doing all other constantly varied movement; it just means there will be more of a FOCUS on it. This FOCUS will rotate so when, for example, the “squat focus” rolls back around, athletes will be able to see the improvement.