CrossFit – Fri, Sep 1

PFC CrossFit – CrossFit

230901 (Time)

– RX –

For time:

30 deadlifts (155/225 lb)

40 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)

50 KB swings (35/53 lb)


For time:

30 deadlifts (135/185 lb)

40 wall-ball shots (10/14 lb) (9/10 ft)

50 KB swings (26/35 lb)


For time:

20 deadlifts (75/115 lb)

30 wall-ball shots (10/14 lb) (8/9 ft)

40 KB swings (18/26 lb)

General Warm-up (No Measure)


✔ Equipment: PVCs, medicine ball shared between pairs.

✔ Take 2:00 to explain the game and demo as needed.

✔ Partner athletes up with one light medicine ball and two PVCs.

✔ For the med-ball game, athletes must perform movements without dropping the medicine ball; if the ball hits the ground, athletes perform 5 penalty burpees.

✔ Use this time to get athletes warming up, moving through full range of motion with a medicine ball, and setting the tone for a fun class!

Partner med ball game | 5:00


Walk 50 ft (15 m) with med ball

10 lunges

Walk 50 ft (15 m) with med ball

5 thrusters

Walk 50 ft (15 m) with med ball

5 deadlifts

Walk 50 ft (15 m) with med ball

5 shoulder presses

Skill Work (Weight)


For completion:

200-m KB suitcase carry, left

200-m KB suitcase carry, right

– Rest as needed, but not more than 2 times per 200 m.
Record the weight used.

Stretching (No Measure)

3 sets:

:30 cobra stretch

:30 spiderman stretch, left

:30 spiderman stretch, right

AT-HOME (Time)

For time:

30 DB deadlifts (35/50 lb)

40 single-DB thrusters

50 alternating DB hang snatches

– Use two DBs for the deadlifts.

– Use one DB for the thrusters and snatches.

– Hold the DB horizontally, by each head and with both hands, for the thrusters.