Memorial Day is right around the corner. Memorial Day Murph shirts are availablefor pre-order. T-shirt, racerback tanks and crop top available. Sign up is on whiteboard at the gym.
PFC CrossFit – CrossFit
Power Clean (15 minutes to build to heavy single for the day)
WOD 10 Apr 23 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 min AMRAP
30 double unders
5 power cleans 135/95
via CF Mainsite 29 Mar 23
WOD Guidance
Pedal to the floor on this workout. Start with an aggressive pace and try to maintain it. Power clean weight should be light/moderate weight that allows touch and go reps or quick singles. If unable to to perform double unders reduce to reps you can do in about :30 or 1:1 singles. Goal is 5+ rounds.
Extra Work
Bradford Press