CrossFit – Wed, Apr 5

PFC CrossFit – CrossFit


200m jog

10 air squats

10 step back lunges

10 cossack squats

10 supermans

10 shoulder to floor

20 groiners

10 box step-ups


10 alternating DB deadlifts

10 alternating DB high pulls

10 alternating DB snatches

MIni Round

6 Alt DB snacthes

2 Dumbbell box step-ups

100 Shuttle run (50m down & back)

Baby Got Back (Time)


30 alternating DB Snatches 50/35

20 DB box step-ups 50/35

200m Shuttle run (4x50m)

WOD Guidance

Choose dumbbell weight that allows you to complete at least 10 alternating snatches unbroken. You can hold dumbbell any way you would like for box step-ups but make sure you stand all the way up on top of box. For the shuttle runs you do not need need to touch ground with hand but both feed need to cross line before turning around. Goal time for this workout is under 30 minutes.

Extra Work

3 Sets for quality

200m Double KB front rack carry